Meet the maker


Gift Wrap, Stickers And Art Prints All Designed And Made By Me!
Created by Ellie
In Cambridge
Small Market seller since Mar 2021

NelliumCrafts Collections

About NelliumCrafts

Handmade stationery made with love! All items, designed and made by me in my little home studio. On a mission to make gift wrapping and stationery as lovely as possible!

Anything else? This is our sellers chance to tell you a bit about themselves

My name is Ellie, and I live to craft! As cheesy as that sounds, it's really true, creating all these items in my little shop is my escape from my normally hectic life. All the items I have are designed by me, where possible they are created by me, by hand, in my little home office. Every order is made to order, so every care and attention can be made to make sure you love your new items as much as I loved creating them!

Image Gallery

Here are just a few gift creations from NelliumCrafts, click on an image or visit the product page to find out more.

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