We don’t stock or send items out, this is always done by the individual seller. Each seller manages their own estimated dispatch times and postage costs. Dispatch times and costs will be displayed on every product page and throughout the checkout process.

Sellers mark an item as sent when they dispatch it, the site then alerts the buyer when an item has been posted along with any additional details.

Order Not Received

If your item has not been received after the estimated delivery date, you should first try to contact the seller directly. When an order is made we will include the seller's contact details in your order confirmation. If you’re still having issues contacting the seller then contact Small Market.

Refund Order

If your item is missing and you have followed the procedure when an order hasn’t been received, and we have tried unsuccessfully to contact the seller, then we will process the refund for you.

Delivery outside the UK

Each seller has the choice to include delivery prices for shipping outside the UK. These prices will be shown through the checkout process when the delivery location is selected.


Each seller is responsible for their policies which include returns, refunds and cancellations. These can be found on the sellers shop page. When an order is assigned a binding contract between the seller and the buyer is created, Small Market can be contacted to help with any issues, but is not responsible for the fulfilment of the order and therefore isn’t responsible for returns. Any issues with your purchase should be reported to the seller and they will endeavour to help you with the problem. It is likely that any personalised items will be unreturnable unless faulty.

Faulty Goods

If an item becomes faulty you will need to contact the seller to discuss the item at fault and to arrange repair, replacement or a refund. It is also worth checking the seller's policies around returns & refunds which can be found on their shop page.

Cancel or return item

If you need to cancel or return the item you must contact the seller within 14 days of receiving the product(s). The buyer will be responsible for return fees unless otherwise stated. Small Market is not liable for any fees incurred when returning or cancelling an item.